Tending Your Body on this US Election Day
I just sent out my newsletter and wanted to share what I wrote here so that more folks are able to access it if they need.
It’s election day in the US.
I want to share some practices for meeting ourselves today. And in the days following… no matter what happens.
In this moment, I’m noticing tightness in my jaw and hips. Beyond that there is a lot of numbness in my body.
I know under that numbness, is fear and rage. There is also sadness. My skin feels like it is going to burst with the expansion of these emotions inside my body.
As I typed that I noticed that I was holding my breath. Maybe you are holding yours too. What if we breathed together?
At your own pace…
If you feel heat or numbness or constriction in your body, what would it be like to place a hand (or imagine placing a hand) on the location of that sensation. What if you breathed with that holding?
On taking up space with our emotions.
I also know that at some point today all of these feelings that are expanding and fighting for space in my body are going to need to come out.
I might lay in my bed and kick and flail my limbs crying and screaming.
I might stomp my feet and growl. Or punch some pillows until I am too tired to keep going.
I might use my magic wand and orgasm and cry and orgasm again.
In a place that is safe enough, what would it look like to let your feelings get big. Maybe the wisdom of your body knows exactly what to do. And maybe bigness needs to be welcomed in.
What if you shook your arms and said I am anxious?
What if you hit your pillows and said I am sad?
What if you said to yourself, how does this anger want to move? Anger, how do you want to move?
Sometimes it’s the chicken, sometimes it’s the egg.
Do we move our bodies and through our emotions or do our emotions invite us into movement in our bodies?
There’s no wrong way to do it.
What does your animal body need?
Maybe it has a quick answer. A hug! Taco Bell. Screaming into the void.
Maybe your animal body isn’t sure or is too frozen to know right now. Either way we can use our senses to meet our body with comfort or pleasure if we want to and are able.
TASTE: What are three of your favorite foods? Can you eat one (or more) today?
TOUCH: What feels good to touch? Can you wear your comfiest clothes, pet your cat, take a shower?
SOUND: What sounds do your ears enjoy? Can you put that song on repeat? Wear your noise cancelling headphones? Find a recording of birdsong on YouTube and put that on in the background of your city apartment?
SIGHT: What images / colors / people bring you comfort or pleasure? Can you change the wallpaper of your phone to that photo of your favorite place? Can you wear. your favorite color?
SMELL: What smells bring you into the present moment? Can you brew that cup of tea (as many times as you need)? Can you pick rosemary from your neighbors yard and keep it in your pocket?
Your animal body may also need to dissociate. I’ve been in and out of dissociation all week. That is okay.
And also, maybe your dissociated body could use a cup of tea and that blanket your grandma crocheted.
What is true today, was before today and will be after today is that we need one another.
I’m holding this thread of the web and imagining it weaving back and forth between us all here, a way to hold and be held in the uncertainty and hope of this day and this time.
You each have your own webs, threads expanding over distance and time. Those who have come before us and those who will be here after.
What could it look like to reach toward someone today? If you do, when you do, notice what it feels like to reach toward; whether that is gathering in physical space, or through the ways technology can connect over distance. How does it feel in your body to move toward connection?
If you find yourself in the position of being reached toward - with a phone call, a hug, a string of memes; notice what it feels like in your body to receive that connection. Can you allow it to land in your heart and your bones a little more?
No matter what happens, we are here, reaching toward one another.
Sending so much care and solidarity your way.
I love you.