1:1 Grief Holding
All your losses deserves to be held, witnessed, and tended in the ways that are meaningful to you.
We often think of grief in relation to death, breakups/divorce, or single event traumas. These are types of loss that are recognized and supported by society as losses that are worthy of grieving. There are many losses that we grieve that are not given the same consideration or support.
What is central to my practice is offering space where these other griefs, the disenfranchised griefs, can be tended with care. Your grief may be disenfranchised if you are not receiving social support, empathy, or understanding around your loss.
Some examples of disenfranchised grief can be from:
Abortion, pet loss, addiction, changes in ability, relationships/relationship loss outside the heteronormative standard, death by suicide, gender affirming transition grief, climate grief, loss of place, violent deaths, adoption, marginalization based on identity, complex trauma.
I hold space for the broad spectrum of grief and have experienced many deaths and breakups. My lived experience includes the specific griefs of:
Being queer in a world that is trying to eradicate queerness
Being non-monogamous in world that only sees monogamous relationships as valid
Navigating fatphobia as a fat person
The complicated grief of leaving the church
Being Covid cautious in a world that is denying the pandemic
Working in the field of sex and eroticism.
Holding anti capitalist values in a capitalist structure
Relational attachment to place and the losses that can occur when we are disconnected from land.