Beloved Blog
It’s election day in the US.
I want to share some practices for meeting ourselves today. And in the days following… no matter what happens.
After nearly two months of not knowing, I googled his name again and found a recording of his funeral. And the thing that I already knew, the truth that I knew 15 minutes after he didn’t show up for his last scheduled session, was that he was dead.
This gathering is (ir)reverent in the way that we revere our bodies and connection to spirit and subvert the traditions we were raised with as a collective act of healing.
40 Days of Body Reverence
The intention is to take a bit of time each day, for 40 days, to tend, honor, pleasure, and celebrate our bodies.
March 1st will mark the one year anniversary of Mindful Erotic Grief.
I am overcome with emotion as I think about all we have grieved together over the last year. Thank you to each person who showed up to be tend their own grief and to be a witness to the grief of others. I am so honored to have shared space with you.
I do this work to help us (re)claim that our bodies are holy, our erotic nature is our connection to the divine, and our choice in how to celebrate that miracle is one of the truest gifts of being born in a human body.
I spend a lot of time thinking about sex, bodies, and how the church fucks us over with a shame and fear based doctrine about our bodies and the sex we have with them.
Our bodies are ready for us to remember that all of our feelings are worth feeling and attending to.
How much more pleasure could we experience if we collectively, and consensually, allowed ourselves the freedom to explore what is erotic?
Virginity is a social construct. It assumes that there is virtue or chastity or purity that can be taken from you. It assumes that your sexual development and sexual unfolding and sexual worth all hinge on one significant act.
I tend to have a hard time asking for what I want. I’d like to trust other people to love and support me, but the mere thought of asking for help or support when I need it is generally met with crippling fear and anxiety.
I love talking about sex and pleasure AND for me, it is still vulnerable, at times difficult and even scary. And that it is why talking about it is vital, healing, and revolutionary.
The true and magical story of how I named my business.