COVID Policy
Community care is a value I hold deeply in my body and my practice.
Even though Oregon will be ending mask mandates for healthcare settings on April 3rd 2023, all in-person sessions and in-person workshops in my practice will continue to be masked. KN-95 or higher masks preferred.
It is important for me to create the safest possible space, especially for my high risk, immunocompromised, and disabled loves. Masking and clean air are our best defenses against Covid transmission.
In addition to masking, I run a HEPA filter before, during, and after each session and sanitize communal surfaces between sessions.
If you are feeling unwell (cold/flu symptoms, GI issues, shortness of breath, fever of 100 or more) the day of your in-person session I ask that you please reach out and cancel.
If you have been in contact with a person who has tested positive for Covid-19, please provide a negative Covid test that was taken at least 4 days after your exposure.
Thank you for your attention to community care!